Module 1-Result.Input
include S.CORE_MODEL
module Role : sig ... end
type command
is an entry-point provided by an implementation. Using a command may require extra dependencies (for example, a "test" command might depend on a test runner).
type command_name
= private string
An identifier for a command within a role. Note: It might not be necessary to use any commands - we could instead treat the command name as an optional part of the role, and treat each command as a separate impl instead.
type dep_info
dep_role : Role.t;
dep_importance : [ `Essential | `Recommended | `Restricts ];
dep_required_commands : command_name list;
type requirements
role : Role.t;
command : command_name option;
val requires : Role.t -> impl -> dependency list * command_name list
Get an implementation's dependencies.
The dependencies should be ordered with the most important first. The solver will prefer to select the best possible version of an earlier dependency, even if that means selecting a worse version of a later one (
dependencies are ignored for this).An implementation or command can also bind to itself. e.g. "test" command that requires its own "run" command. We also return all such required commands.
val dep_info : dependency -> dep_info
val command_requires : Role.t -> command -> dependency list * command_name list
, but for commands.
val get_command : impl -> command_name -> command option
type role_information
replacement : Role.t option;
Another role that conflicts with this one.
impls : impl list;
Candidates to fill the role.
Information provided to the solver about a role.
type machine_group
= private string
The solver will avoid selections with mixed machine groups. This is useful if e.g. the CPU supports 32-bit and 64-bit programs, but we can't mix them in a single process. The string simply has to be unique for each group (e.g. "32" and "64").
val pp_impl : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> impl -> unit
val pp_command : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> command -> unit
val implementations : Role.t -> role_information
The list of candidates to fill a role.
val restrictions : dependency -> restriction list
Restrictions on how the role is filled
val meets_restriction : impl -> restriction -> bool
val machine_group : impl -> machine_group option
val conflict_class : impl -> conflict_class list
The following are used for diagnostics only
type rejection
The reason why the model rejected an implementation before it got to the solver. For example, the implementation was a Windows binary but the host is Linux.
val rejects : Role.t -> (impl * rejection) list * string list
Get the candidates which were rejected for a role (and not passed to the solver), as well as any general notes and warnings not tied to a particular impl.
val pp_version : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> impl -> unit
val user_restrictions : Role.t -> restriction option
Get any user-specified restrictions affecting a role. These are used to filter out implementations before they get to the solver.
val pp_impl_long : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> impl -> unit
A detailed identifier for the implementation. In 0install, this is the version number and part of the hash.
val format_machine : impl -> string
val string_of_restriction : restriction -> string
val describe_problem : impl -> rejection -> string
val dummy_impl : impl
A dummy implementation, used to get diagnostic information if the solve fails. It satisfies all requirements, even conflicting ones.